We are proud to present our new visual identity and announce the launch of our revamped website.

In 2023, BBLM Avocats is a close-knit team of 17 partners and more than 45 lawyers, who together cover 14 areas of business law specialisms.

Since 1985, our history has been strongly marked by the successes and satisfactions shared with our teams, our customers and our partners.

Together we reaffirm today our common mission: to master the strategic challenges of our clients, to effectively defend their projects and their interests.

For this we are committed to offering our clients a multidisciplinary legal vision, guided by excellence and creativity.

To further illustrate our values and our commitments for the years to come, we have redesigned our graphic identity and we invite you to visit our new website to discover what drives us on a daily basis.

The BBLM Avocats team

Practical Guides

E-commerce practical guide
Properly develop your franchise network
Promotion of the Egalim Law
Understand your franchise agreement